Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Me, the fragmentary girl

Hi Cams,

Whatever happened to that girl who wanted to pursue a career in writing? Or to that girl who wanted to enroll in guitar lessons? And to that girl who wished to learn how to drive? And to bake? And to cook? Well?

I know you believe in being all that you can be. But this has got to stop. The proverb didn’t say “Be all that you can be all at once.” I think it takes time – baby steps and doing one thing at a time. And if I may ask, do you really really really want to be good in all these things? To keep yourself interesting, you say. To be as creative as you can get. I see your point but won’t you end up knowing a bit of everything but never good enough in all the things you know? Remember the old saying: Jack of All Trades, Master of None.

Your brain is scattered all around, dear girl. I can feel a quarter life crisis waiting to happen. You have to find your niche. Do not lose your focus and try to do all the things you think you want to do all at the same time. Unless you set your head straight, you won't be able to find me.


Your inner self


  1. People who take a nibble out of many things in life sometimes end up getting the bigger chunk out of it. The world is yours and no one can ever hold you back from mastering it. Adventure is everywhere for you to discover. Animals who who survived evolution were usually the ones who were well rounded thus adapted more. Specialized creatures ended up in the museum. Lets go Pulag!

  2. Yeah, well, it's just that I feel disoriented and disorganized most of the time by trying to do so many things. I don't even know what I really want.
