I'm a stalker. Sheesh.
It's not that hard to admit it, especially if you're not the 'I'll-follow-you-to-your-house-and-scare-the-wits-out-of-you' type of stalker. I'm just someone who likes to stalk people by viewing their facebook profiles every waking day.
Yes, I'm caught up with the social networking hullabaloo of our lifetimes. It's a very good distraction on a slow workday. And, sometimes, I think I'm a little obsessed with this social networking phenomenon. I always challenge myself to log-off entirely for even just a single day; to resist the urge to socialize virtually, to dispel the notion of stalking people on Plurk, Facebook, etc. But really, I always fail. Or if I manage to log-off for half an hour, I'm either really busy working or feeding another addiction - playing PvsZ.
It's funny how people seem to include SN in their daily routines; to think that the Internet was just invented 10 years ago or so (I'm not sure exactly when so correct me if I'm wrong). It makes me wonder if SN sites are just another fad until some better invention or site will take over. Or will I stalk people forever? Substitute face-to-face communication with chat, Plurk, or Twitter? Hump, I don't know the answer.
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